Navigating Google Ads: How to Properly Delete Your Manager Account

Gary Gilkison


Need to delete your Google Ads manager account and don't know where to start? You're not alone. Many local service business owners find themselves stuck with old or inactive Google Ads accounts and wish to remove them completely. If you're in a hurry, here's the quick version:

  • Log in to your Google Ads Manager account.
  • Click on the tools and settings icon.
  • Go to 'Setup' > 'Account access and security.'
  • Switch to manager mode, invite another Google Ads account with admin rights.
  • Finally, remove your own access.

Removing a Google Ads manager account might seem like a daunting task, but it is a necessary step to keep your digital house in order. Google Ads Manager accounts are essential tools for businesses to manage multiple campaigns efficiently. However, if you no longer need an account or wish to streamline your operations, deletion might be the best route.

We'll walk you through detailed steps and important considerations to help you delete your Google Ads manager account effectively.

Step-by-step guide to deleting a Google Ads manager account - how to delete google ads manager account infographic roadmap-5-steps

Understanding Google Ads Manager Accounts

Before diving into how to delete Google Ads Manager account, it's crucial to understand what it is, its functions, and the different access levels it offers.


A Google Ads Manager account (formerly known as My Client Center or MCC) is a powerful tool for advertisers who need to manage multiple Google Ads accounts from a single interface. Think of it as a dashboard that provides a bird’s-eye view of all your Google Ads campaigns, making it easier to keep everything organized.


Google Ads Manager accounts offer several key functions:

  • Centralized Management: You can link multiple Google Ads accounts, making it easier to manage and monitor campaigns across different clients or business units.
  • Streamlined Billing: Consolidate billing for all your linked accounts, simplifying financial management.
  • Efficient Reporting: Generate comprehensive reports that cover multiple accounts, helping you analyze performance metrics more efficiently.
  • User Access Control: Assign different access levels to team members, ensuring that everyone has the appropriate level of control and visibility.

Access Levels

Understanding the access levels in a Google Ads Manager account is vital for effective management:

  • Administrative Access: Full control over the account, including the ability to link or unlink accounts, modify campaigns, and manage billing.
  • Standard Access: Allows users to manage campaigns and view reports but without the ability to change account settings or billing information.
  • Read-Only Access: Users can view campaigns and generate reports but cannot make any changes.
  • Email-Only Access: Users receive email notifications and reports but cannot log into the account.

These access levels help ensure that the right people have the right level of control, enhancing security and operational efficiency.

Google Ads Manager Dashboard - how to delete google ads manager account

In the next section, we will guide you through the steps to delete your Google Ads Manager account. This process involves several key actions, such as backing up data, checking account status, and reviewing linked accounts to ensure a smooth transition.

How to Delete Google Ads Manager Account

Preparing to Delete Your Manager Account

Before you delete your Google Ads Manager account, there are a few steps to ensure a smooth transition.

  1. Backup Data: Export any important data. This includes campaign performance, billing information, and reports. Once the account is deleted, this data is irretrievable.

  2. Check Account Status: Make sure there are no active campaigns or pending payments. This helps avoid unexpected charges.

  3. Review Linked Accounts: Identify any linked accounts. Ensure they are either unlinked or have another manager assigned. This prevents disruption to their operations.

Steps to Delete Your Manager Account

Deleting your Google Ads Manager account involves several steps. Follow this guide to make sure you don't miss anything.

  1. Sign In: Go to and sign in with your Google account. Make sure it's the account associated with your Google Ads Manager.

  2. Navigate to Tools & Settings: In the top-right corner, click on the tools icon (resembles a wrench) and select Access and Security under the Setup column.

  3. Review Linked Accounts: Under the Managers tab, review all linked accounts. Ensure that each one has another manager assigned or is unlinked if no longer needed.

  4. Remove Access: Click on Remove Access for each manager you want to remove. Confirm the removal to ensure they no longer have control over the account.

  5. Confirm Deletion: Once all necessary steps are taken, navigate back to Account Settings. Scroll down to the Account Status section and click Cancel my account. Confirm your decision in the pop-up window.

By following these steps, you can successfully delete your Google Ads Manager account. This ensures all data is backed up, all linked accounts are reviewed, and access is properly removed, preventing any unwanted issues.

In the next section, we will discuss what happens after you delete your manager account, including data handling, list closure, and the refund process.

Managing After Deletion of a Google Ads Manager Account

What Happens After You Delete Your Manager Account?

When you delete your Google Ads Manager account, several things happen to ensure your data is handled properly and any financial matters are settled.

Data Handling: After deletion, you can still access your account data by logging into Google Ads. This allows you to review past campaign performance and retrieve any necessary information. However, keep in mind that your account will be inactive, and you won't be able to run ads.

List Closure: Any remarketing lists owned by the deleted account, including Customer Match lists, will be set to "Closed." This means no new users will be added to these lists. Existing lists will remain, but they won't grow with new data.

Refund Process: If you have any unused funds in your account, Google will refund these to your payment method within four weeks. Promotional credits and certain adjustments are not refundable. For detailed steps on how to request a refund, refer to the Requesting refunds page.

Reactivation: If you decide to use Google Ads again, you can reactivate your account at any time. Simply log in and follow the prompts to reactivate. Reactivation is necessary to resume any advertising activities.

In summary, deleting your Google Ads Manager account involves careful data handling, list closures to prevent new user additions, and a straightforward refund process for any remaining funds. You also have the flexibility to reactivate your account whenever you're ready to start advertising again.

In the next section, we'll address some frequently asked questions about deleting Google Ads Manager accounts, such as whether you can permanently delete an account and how to remove a manager from your Google account.

Frequently Asked Questions about Deleting Google Ads Manager Accounts

Can You Permanently Delete a Google Ads Account?

No, you can't permanently delete a Google Ads account. Once you cancel your account, it will no longer be active, but it will still exist in a canceled state. Google retains this data for historical and auditing purposes. This means the account won't be removed from Google's system entirely, but it will be inactive and won't incur any charges.

How to Remove a Manager from My Google Account?

Removing a manager from your Google Ads account is a straightforward process. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Google Ads account.
  2. Click on the Tools & Settings icon (top right corner).
  3. Under the Setup column, select Access and Security.
  4. Go to the Managers tab.
  5. Find the manager you want to remove and click on Remove Access.
  6. Confirm the removal by clicking Unlink.

This will revoke the manager's access to your account. If you encounter any issues, you may need to contact Google Ads support for further assistance.

What If I Want to Reactivate My Account?

Reactivating a canceled Google Ads account is possible and fairly easy:

  1. Log in to your canceled Google Ads account.
  2. You'll see a prompt to reactivate your account.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the reactivation process.

Once reactivated, you can resume your advertising campaigns and manage your ads as before. That any outstanding costs will need to be settled before reactivation.

By addressing these common questions, we aim to clarify the process and implications of deleting or reactivating your Google Ads Manager account. For more detailed guidance, always refer to the official Google Ads Help Center or contact their support team.


Deleting a Google Ads Manager account is a significant step, but it’s sometimes necessary for better account management or restructuring. After you've completed the deletion, it’s important to consider your next steps and explore alternative tools that can help you achieve your advertising goals.

Future Steps

Once you’ve deleted your Google Ads Manager account, take some time to evaluate your overall marketing strategy. Here are a few steps to consider:

  1. Review Your Advertising Needs: Assess whether you need to create a new Google Ads Manager account or if another platform might better suit your needs.
  2. Monitor Your Campaigns: If you’ve reactivated your account, keep a close eye on your campaigns to ensure they’re performing as expected.
  3. Optimize Your Budget: Use the insights gained from your previous campaigns to better allocate your budget and improve ROI.

Alternative Tools

If you’re looking for alternatives to Google Ads Manager, there are several other tools that can help you manage and optimize your advertising efforts:

  • Facebook Ads Manager: Great for targeting specific demographics on social media.
  • Microsoft Advertising: A solid alternative for reaching users on Bing and other Microsoft properties.
  • LinkedIn Campaign Manager: Ideal for B2B advertising and targeting professionals.

These tools offer different features and advantages, so consider what best aligns with your business goals.

Riverbase Cloud

At Riverbase Cloud, we understand the complexities of managing multiple advertising accounts. Our services are designed to simplify your advertising efforts and maximize your results. Whether you need help with Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or managing multiple Google Business Profiles, we’ve got you covered.

Our Precision Ads service offers tailored solutions to optimize your campaigns, manage your budget effectively, and drive real results. Let us take the hassle out of advertising so you can focus on what you do best—running your business.

By following these steps and considering alternative tools, you can ensure that your advertising efforts remain effective and aligned with your business goals. If you need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Riverbase Cloud. We’re here to help you navigate the complexities of digital advertising.