From Shingles to Sales: Innovative Advertising Strategies for Roofers

Gary Gilkison


When it comes to advertising for roofing, putting your company in front of potential customers can be a game-changer. Whether you're a new roof replacement company or an established firm looking to outshine the competition, effective advertising is essential.

Key Takeaways: 1. Use local digital ads on Google to reach ready-to-act homeowners. 2. Leverage Facebook and Instagram for cost-effective demographic targeting. 3. Don't ignore traditional methods like postcards and yard signs for local visibility.

Advertising is the engine that drives your roofing business. From digital platforms like Google and Facebook to traditional flyers and yard signs, getting noticed ensures you attract clients ready for roofing services. Riverbase Cloud specializes in making sure your roofing business stands out. We understand the roofing industry and use tailored strategies to boost your online presence and generate more leads.

Ready to level up your roofing business? Dive into the detailed strategies that can turn your advertising into sales.

Innovative Roofing Advertising Strategies Infographic - advertising for roofing infographic roadmap-5-steps

Differentiate Your Roofing Business

Standing out in the crowded roofing market is crucial. Here’s how you can differentiate your business:

Quality Services

Homeowners want a hassle-free experience when getting their roofs fixed. Ensure you offer high-quality services by:

  1. Using Premium Materials: Always opt for the best materials available. This not only ensures durability but also builds trust with your clients.
  2. Skilled Labor: Hire experienced and certified workers. This guarantees that the job is done right the first time.
  3. Attention to Detail: Small things like cleaning up after a job or conducting a thorough inspection can make a big difference.

A case study from Forbes highlights how a roofing company increased customer satisfaction by focusing on quality. They used top-notch materials and skilled labor, resulting in fewer callbacks and more referrals.

Brand Awareness

Building brand awareness is key to becoming a household name. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Consistent Branding: Ensure your logo, colors, and messaging are consistent across all platforms.
  2. Social Media Presence: Create profiles on Facebook, Instagram, and even TikTok. Share before-and-after photos, customer testimonials, and roofing tips.
  3. Local Sponsorships: Sponsor local events or sports teams. This not only gives back to the community but also keeps your brand top-of-mind.

For example, a roofing company partnered with a local baseball team, and their logo was displayed prominently at games. This increased their visibility and attracted new clients.

Customer Support

Excellent customer support can set you apart from competitors. Focus on:

  1. Responsive Communication: Answer calls and emails promptly. Use live chat on your website to assist visitors in real-time.
  2. Professionalism: Always be courteous and professional, from the initial consultation to the final follow-up.
  3. After-Service Support: Offer warranties and regular maintenance checks. This shows you care about long-term customer satisfaction.

A roofing company in Portland saw a 264% increase in monthly leads by improving their customer support system, according to Riverbase Cloud.


Referrals are one of the best forms of advertising. Here’s how to get more:

  1. Referral Program: Create a program where customers get discounts or rewards for referring new clients.
  2. Ask for Reviews: After completing a job, ask satisfied customers to leave reviews on Google, Yelp, and other platforms.
  3. Partner with Local Businesses: Collaborate with real estate agents, home inspectors, and property managers. Offer them a commission for each referral.

A roofing company increased their leads by 265% by implementing a referral program and partnering with local businesses, as noted in Riverbase Cloud.

By focusing on these strategies, you can differentiate your roofing business and attract more clients. Next, let’s explore how to start a successful referral program.

Start a Referral Program

A referral program is one of the most effective ways to generate new business for your roofing company. It leverages the trust and satisfaction of your existing customers to bring in new leads. Here's how to set up a successful referral program:

Referral Program Setup

  1. Define Your Goals: Determine what you want to achieve with your referral program. Are you looking to increase overall sales, boost brand awareness, or target a specific market segment? Clear goals will help you design a more effective program.

  2. Create a Simple Process: Make it easy for customers to refer your services. A complicated process will deter participation. Provide clear instructions and multiple ways to refer, such as through a dedicated web page, email, or even a simple phone call.

  3. Promote Your Program: Use your website, social media, and email campaigns to spread the word about your referral program. Include details in your email signature and marketing materials. The more people know about it, the more referrals you'll get.


Incentives are crucial for motivating your customers to refer your roofing services. Here are some ideas:

  • Discounts on Future Services: Offer a discount on future roofing services for each successful referral.
  • Gift Cards: Provide gift cards to popular stores or restaurants.
  • Free Services: Offer a free gutter cleaning or roof inspection as a thank-you.

Example: A roofing company saw a 50% increase in referrals after offering a $50 gift card for every successful referral, as detailed in Riverbase Cloud.

Strategic Partnerships

Forming partnerships with local businesses can amplify your referral program. Consider these collaborations:

  • Real Estate Agents: They often have clients needing roofing services. Offer them a commission for each referral.
  • Home Inspectors: They can recommend your services to homeowners needing repairs.
  • Property Managers: They manage multiple properties and can be a consistent source of referrals.

These partnerships can be mutually beneficial, expanding your network and increasing your leads.

Email Campaigns

Email campaigns are an excellent way to keep your referral program top of mind. Here’s how to use email effectively:

  • Automated Emails: Send automated emails to customers after completing a job, asking for referrals.
  • Monthly Newsletters: Include a section about your referral program in your monthly newsletters.
  • Personalized Messages: Send personalized thank-you emails to customers who participate in the program.

Example: One roofing company found success by sending automated follow-up emails asking for referrals, resulting in a 20% increase in new leads.

By setting up a referral program, offering attractive incentives, forming strategic partnerships, and using email campaigns, you can create a steady stream of new business. Next, let’s look at how to build and optimize your website for maximum impact.

Build and Optimize Your Website

Your website is your digital storefront. It's where potential customers decide if they want to hire you. Here’s how to make it exceptional.

High-Performance Website

A high-performing website is essential. Here are the must-haves:

  • Easy Navigation: Make sure visitors can find what they need quickly.
  • Fast Loading Speed: Pages should load in under 3 seconds. Use tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights to check and improve your speed.
  • Simple and Clear Design: Avoid clutter. Use a clean, professional design.
  • Mobile-Friendly: Over half of web traffic comes from mobile devices. Ensure your site is responsive.

mobile-friendly website - advertising for roofing

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO helps your site rank higher in search results. This means more visibility and more customers.

  • Keyword Optimization: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to find relevant keywords. For example, instead of "roofing," use "roof repair in [your city]."
  • Meta Descriptions and Title Tags: Craft compelling meta descriptions and title tags. These are the first things people see in search results.
  • Quality Content: Write blog posts answering common questions. For instance, "Should I repair or replace my roof?"
  • Internal Links: Link to other pages on your site. This helps visitors and search engines navigate your site.

Local SEO

Local SEO targets customers in your area. This is crucial for service-based businesses like roofing.

  • Claim Your Google My Business Profile: This is your online business card. Make sure all details are accurate.
  • Local Keywords: Use location-specific keywords like "roofing services in Springfield."
  • Customer Reviews: Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews. Positive reviews boost your local SEO.

Google Business Profile

Your Google Business Profile is essential for local visibility. Here’s how to optimize it:

  • Accurate Information: Ensure your business name, address, and phone number are correct.
  • Photos and Videos: Add high-quality images and videos of your work.
  • Customer Interaction: Respond to reviews. Thank customers for positive feedback and address any concerns.

By focusing on these areas, you can make your website a powerful tool for attracting and converting customers. Next, let’s dive into leveraging digital advertising to further boost your business.

Leverage Digital Advertising

Digital advertising is a game-changer for roofers looking to attract more customers. Let’s explore how Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and PPC campaigns can help you generate leads and grow your business.

Google Ads

Google Ads can put your roofing business at the top of search results. When someone searches for "roof repair near me" or "emergency roofing repair," your ad can be the first thing they see. Here’s how to make the most of it:

  • Keyword Targeting: Choose keywords that your potential customers are searching for. Think about terms like "roof replacement company" or "best roofing services."
  • Engaging Ads: Craft compelling ad copy that highlights your unique selling points. For example, mention your quick turnaround time or free inspections.
  • Landing Pages: Direct users to a specific landing page that matches their search intent. This page should have a clear call-to-action, like "Get a Free Quote Today."

Case Study: A roofing company in Texas saw a 50% increase in leads after optimizing their Google Ads with local keywords and creating dedicated landing pages for each service.

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads allow you to target specific demographics, making it easier to reach homeowners in your area. Here’s how to use them effectively:

  • Audience Targeting: Use Facebook’s targeting options to reach people based on age, location, and interests.
  • Engaging Content: Use eye-catching images and videos. Before-and-after photos of roofing projects can be very effective.
  • Lead Forms: Utilize Facebook’s lead generation forms to collect contact information directly from the ad.

Quote: “Facebook Ads have transformed our lead generation strategy. The ability to target specific neighborhoods has been invaluable.” - John Doe, Roofing Contractor

Instagram Ads

Instagram Ads are perfect for showcasing your roofing projects visually. Here’s how to leverage this platform:

  • Visual Appeal: Use high-quality images and short videos to highlight your work.
  • Stories and Reels: Create engaging stories and reels that show your team in action, offering tips, or explaining the roofing process.
  • Hashtags: Use relevant hashtags like #RoofingExperts or #RoofRepair to increase your reach.

PPC Campaigns

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns are an effective way to get immediate visibility. Here’s how to run successful PPC campaigns:

  • Budget Management: Set a daily budget that you’re comfortable with. Start small and adjust based on performance.
  • Ad Testing: Run A/B tests to see which ad copy and images perform best.
  • Performance Tracking: Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor your campaign’s performance. Track metrics like click-through rates and conversions.

Statistics: According to a Google report, 68% of local searchers use “Get Directions” or “Call” buttons, and 61% use the address or phone number listed in the ad. This emphasizes the importance of local PPC campaigns.

By leveraging these digital advertising strategies, you can significantly boost your roofing business’s visibility and attract more customers. Next, let’s look at how to utilize social media marketing to further enhance your brand.

Utilize Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a powerful tool for increasing brand awareness and engaging with potential customers. Here’s how you can make the most of it:

Brand Awareness

Building brand awareness on social media helps ensure that your roofing company is top-of-mind when people need roofing services.

Platforms to Consider:

  • Facebook: Great for local targeting and community engagement.
  • Instagram: Ideal for sharing visual content like before-and-after photos.
  • TikTok: Excellent for short, engaging videos.
  • LinkedIn: Useful for networking with other businesses and professionals.

Content Ideas

Creating engaging content is key to attracting and retaining followers. Here are some ideas:

  • Before and After Photos: Show transformations from old, damaged roofs to new, pristine ones.
  • Customer Testimonials: Share positive reviews from satisfied clients.
  • Educational Videos: Create short clips explaining common roofing problems and solutions.
  • Behind-the-Scenes: Give a glimpse into your daily operations and team.


Engagement is crucial for building a community around your brand. Responding to comments and messages promptly can make a big difference.

Tips for Engagement:

  • Ask Questions: Encourage followers to share their roofing experiences or ask for advice.
  • Run Contests: Host giveaways or contests to increase interaction. For example, offer a free roof inspection to the winner.
  • Polls and Surveys: Use features like Instagram polls to gather opinions and engage your audience.
  • Live Q&A Sessions: Host live sessions to answer common roofing questions.

Social Media Platforms

Different platforms offer unique ways to connect with your audience. Here’s a quick guide:

Platform Best For Content Type
Facebook Local targeting, community engagement Posts, images, videos, live sessions
Instagram Visual content, young audience Photos, stories, reels
TikTok Short, engaging videos Quick tips, project showcases
LinkedIn B2B networking, professional content Articles, business updates, partnerships


A roofing company in Texas increased their followers by 30% in three months by sharing weekly before-and-after photos on Instagram and running a monthly contest for a free roof inspection.

By using these social media marketing strategies, you can effectively grow your brand and attract more customers.

Next, let’s explore traditional advertising methods that still hold value in today’s digital age.

Traditional Advertising Methods

While digital marketing is all the rage, traditional advertising methods still hold significant value, especially for local businesses like roofing companies. Let’s dive into some tried-and-true methods that can help you stand out in your community.


Flyers are a cost-effective way to get your message out. You can distribute them door-to-door, at local events, or through community bulletin boards.

Pro Tip: Include a compelling offer, like a discount or free inspection, to make your flyer stand out.

Door Hangers

Door hangers are another effective method. They’re hard to ignore because they literally hang on the door, ensuring that homeowners see them.

Case Study: A roofing company in Ohio saw a 15% increase in inquiries after a door hanger campaign that offered a seasonal discount.


Postcards can be mailed to targeted neighborhoods, especially those with older homes that may need roof repairs. They’re personal and can be quite eye-catching if designed well.

Fact: According to the USPS, direct mail has a 4.4% response rate compared to email’s 0.12%.

Yard Signs

Yard signs are excellent for building brand visibility in neighborhoods where you’re currently working. These signs can stay up for the duration of the project and even a bit longer, serving as a constant reminder to neighbors.

Example: A Florida roofer noticed a 20% increase in local leads after placing yard signs at their job sites.

Vehicle Magnets

Vehicle magnets turn your work vehicles into mobile billboards. Every time you drive to a job site or run errands, you’re advertising your business.

Pro Tip: Make sure to include your company name, phone number, and website. Keep the design simple but bold enough to catch attention.

By incorporating these traditional advertising methods, you can boost your local presence and attract more customers. Next, let's discuss how partnering with local businesses can further enhance your advertising strategy.

Partner with Local Businesses


Teaming up with local businesses can be a game-changer. Imagine partnering with a gutter cleaning service. Together, you can offer a package deal that benefits both parties. For example, a spring cleaning package that includes both roofing and gutter services. This is a win-win: customers get a discount, and both businesses gain new clients.

Pro Tip: Use social media to announce these partnerships. A joint Facebook post or Instagram story can reach a larger audience.

Strategic Partnerships

Strategic partnerships extend beyond co-marketing. Think about businesses that share your customer base but don’t compete directly. Real estate agents, home improvement stores, and even local hardware stores can be valuable partners.

Case Study: Real Estate Agents

A roofing company partnered with a local real estate agency. Whenever the agents sold a home, they recommended the roofing company for any needed repairs. In return, the roofing company offered a discount to new homeowners. This partnership resulted in a 20% increase in new clients for the roofer.

Local Events

Participating in local events is another great way to get your name out there. Community fairs, home improvement expos, and even local farmers' markets offer excellent opportunities.

Example: Community Fair

Set up a booth at a local community fair. Offer free roof inspections or a small giveaway, like branded water bottles. Use this opportunity to collect contact information for future follow-ups.

Pro Tip: Bring marketing materials like brochures and business cards. Make sure your booth is eye-catching and informative.

By partnering with local businesses and participating in community events, you can significantly enhance your advertising strategy. This approach not only builds relationships but also establishes your brand as a trusted local expert.

Next, let's explore how offering special deals and promotions can attract even more customers.

Offer Special Deals and Promotions

Special deals and promotions are a powerful way to attract new customers and keep existing ones engaged. Here are some strategies to help you get started:

Seasonal Deals

Roofing needs often change with the seasons. Offering seasonal promotions can help you stay relevant throughout the year.

  • Winter Ready Inspections: Offer discounted inspections to prepare homes for harsh winter weather. Highlight the importance of preventing snow and ice damage.

  • Spring Cleaning Specials: Provide a reduced rate for roof cleaning and minor repairs in the spring. Emphasize the need to fix any damage caused by winter storms.


People love a good discount, and it can be a great way to encourage quick decisions.

  • First-Time Customer Discounts: Offer a special rate for new customers to entice them to try your services.

  • Referral Discounts: Provide a discount to customers who refer friends or family. This not only brings in new clients but also rewards loyal ones.

Off-Season Offers

Roofing is often a seasonal business, with peaks during certain times of the year. Offering special deals during slower periods can help maintain a steady stream of work.

  • Off-Season Discounts: Offer lower rates during typically slow periods. This can encourage homeowners to schedule work they might otherwise delay.

  • Bundle Deals: Combine services like roof inspections and gutter cleaning at a discounted rate. This can make your offers more appealing and increase your overall sales.

Customer Outreach

Effective customer outreach is essential for promoting your deals and keeping your audience informed.

  • Email Campaigns: Send out regular newsletters with updates on special promotions, seasonal tips, and company news. Make sure your emails are engaging and provide value.

  • Social Media Posts: Use platforms like Facebook and Instagram to share your deals. Visual content like before-and-after photos can catch people's attention.

  • Direct Mail: Send postcards or flyers to local residents with details about your special offers. This can be particularly effective for reaching older homeowners who may not be as active online.

Pro Tip: Always track the performance of your promotions. Use tools like Google Analytics to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and make adjustments as needed.

Offering special deals and promotions can be a game-changer for your roofing business. Next, let's dive into how investigating competitor strategies can give you an edge in the market.

Investigate Competitor Strategies

Knowing what your competitors are doing can give you a huge advantage. By understanding their strategies, you can improve your own and find gaps to exploit. Here are some key areas to focus on:

Competitor Research

Start by identifying your top competitors. Look at what they are doing well and where they might be falling short. Tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs can provide valuable insights into your competitors' online activities. For example, you can see which keywords they rank for and what kind of backlinks they have.

Pro Tip: Regularly check competitors' websites and social media profiles. Note their content, promotions, and customer engagement tactics.

Content Marketing

Great content can set you apart. Look at the type of content your competitors are producing. Are they blogging regularly? Do they have helpful guides or how-to videos?

Case Study: One roofing company saw a 30% increase in leads by focusing on educational content like "how to spot roof damage" and "when to replace your roof." This kind of content builds trust and positions you as an expert.

Pro Tip: Create a content calendar. Plan posts that address common roofing problems and offer solutions. This not only helps with SEO but also engages potential customers.

PPC Keywords

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising can drive quick results. Research the PPC keywords your competitors are bidding on. Tools like Google Keyword Planner can help you find high-performing keywords.

Example: If a competitor is bidding on "emergency roof repair," consider bidding on similar keywords. You might also look for less competitive, long-tail keywords like "affordable emergency roof repair near me."

Pro Tip: Monitor your PPC campaigns closely. Adjust bids and keywords based on performance to maximize ROI.

Web Design

A well-designed website can make a big difference. Look at your competitors' websites. Are they easy to navigate? Do they load quickly?

Fact: A study found that 75% of users judge a company's credibility based on their website design. Make sure your site is mobile-friendly and has a clear call to action.

Pro Tip: Include customer testimonials and project photos. These elements build credibility and show the quality of your work.

By investigating competitor strategies, you can find ways to improve your own advertising for roofing. This will help you stand out and attract more customers.

Next, we'll explore how to track and analyze your marketing efforts to ensure you're getting the best results.

Track and Analyze Your Marketing Efforts

Tracking and analyzing your marketing efforts is crucial to ensure you're getting the best results. Here’s how you can do it effectively:

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a powerful, free tool that helps you understand your website's performance. By using it, you can track:

  • Traffic Sources: Know where your visitors are coming from—whether it's organic search, social media, or paid ads.
  • User Behavior: See which pages are most popular, how long visitors stay, and where they drop off.
  • Conversions: Track actions like form submissions or calls. This helps you understand which marketing efforts lead to actual business.

Example: A roofing company noticed a spike in traffic from a blog post on winter roof maintenance. By analyzing this data, they decided to create more seasonal content, which led to increased inquiries.

ROI Tracking

Return on Investment (ROI) tracking is essential to measure the success of your marketing campaigns. Calculate ROI by comparing the revenue generated from a campaign to the cost of running it.

  • Formula: ( \text{ROI} = \frac{\text{Net Profit}}{\text{Cost of Investment}} \times 100 )

Example: If you spend $500 on a Facebook ad campaign and it generates $2000 in sales, your ROI is 300%.

CRM Systems

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system helps you manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. It’s useful for:

  • Lead Tracking: Monitor where each lead is in the sales funnel.
  • Customer Segmentation: Group customers based on behavior, location, or other criteria.
  • Follow-ups: Automate follow-up emails and reminders.

Example: Using a CRM system, a roofing company can track leads from initial contact to project completion, ensuring no potential customer falls through the cracks.

Continuous Improvement

Marketing is not a one-time effort. You need to continually assess and refine your strategies.

  • A/B Testing: Test different versions of ads, landing pages, or emails to see what works best.
  • Feedback Loops: Gather customer feedback to understand what’s working and what needs improvement.
  • Regular Audits: Periodically review your marketing efforts to identify areas for improvement.

Example: A roofing contractor might find that video testimonials perform better than written ones. By shifting focus to video, they can improve engagement and conversions.

By tracking and analyzing your marketing efforts, you can make data-driven decisions that lead to better results and a higher ROI. In the next section, we'll tackle frequently asked questions about advertising for roofing to clear any remaining doubts.

Frequently Asked Questions about Advertising for Roofing

What is the best advertising for roofers?

The best advertising for roofers combines digital marketing and traditional methods. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Google Ads: Puts your service in front of people actively searching for roofing services.
  • SEO: Helps your website rank higher in search results, making it easier for potential customers to find you.
  • Social Media: Platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow you to showcase your work, share testimonials, and engage with your community.
  • Local Directories: Being listed in directories like Yelp or HomeAdvisor boosts your visibility to local customers.

The best strategy meets your customers where they are, which today, is online and on their phones.

How do I get customers for my roofing business?

Getting customers involves a mix of methods:

  • Referral Marketing: Create a referral program that rewards past customers for bringing in new business. People trust recommendations from friends and family more than any advertisement.
  • Event Marketing: Attend local events, trade shows, and community gatherings. Set up a booth and engage with attendees to build relationships.
  • Social Media: Regularly post engaging content on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Use these platforms to interact with potential customers.
  • Paid Advertising: Invest in Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads to reach a larger audience and drive traffic to your website.

What to post for a roofing company?

Content is king in digital marketing. Here are some ideas:

  • Helpful Content: Answer common questions like “What’s the average price of a roof?” or “Which roofing materials are best for my home?” This establishes you as an expert.
  • Customer Engagement: Share testimonials and success stories from satisfied customers. This builds trust and shows potential clients what they can expect.
  • Work Photos: Post before-and-after photos of roofing projects. Visual content is highly engaging and demonstrates the quality of your work.

By addressing these common questions, you can effectively navigate the landscape of advertising for roofing.


In the competitive world of roofing, effective advertising is essential for standing out and growing your business. By leveraging both digital and traditional advertising methods, you can reach a wider audience and build lasting relationships with your customers.

Riverbase Cloud Services

At Riverbase Cloud, we understand the unique challenges that roofing companies face in advertising. Our comprehensive suite of services is designed to help you navigate these challenges and achieve your marketing goals.

  • SEO and Content Marketing: We specialize in optimizing your website for search engines, ensuring you rank higher in local searches. Our content marketing strategies focus on engaging and informative content that positions you as an industry expert.

  • Social Media Management: From creating engaging posts to managing your social media accounts, we help you build a strong online presence.

  • PPC Campaigns: Our targeted pay-per-click advertising campaigns are designed to maximize your ROI by reaching the right audience at the right time.

  • Website Development: We build high-performance websites that are not only visually appealing but also optimized for conversions.

Contact Us

Ready to take your roofing business to the next level? Let us help you harness the full potential of your online presence. Visit our Elite SEO service page to learn more about how we can assist you.

For a free audit of your roofing business or to discuss how we can help you achieve your marketing goals, contact us today. We look forward to partnering with you!

By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide and leveraging the expertise of Riverbase Cloud, you can ensure your roofing business not only keeps up with the competition but sets the pace. Let's work together to turn your advertising efforts into tangible results.