Roofing Marketing 101: Building a Strong Online Presence

Gary Gilkison


Marketing for roofing companies is essential for standing out in a crowded market. Homeowners are increasingly turning to online searches to find roofing services. They're looking for trustworthy businesses and basing their decisions on online reviews and website information. Without a strong online presence, you're likely to miss out on these potential customers.

Here are some quick tips to get started:

  1. Create a mobile-friendly website: Ensure your site is easy to navigate on all devices.
  2. Optimize for local SEO: Use keywords like "roof repair" or "roofing services" with your location.
  3. Leverage Google Business Profile: Claim and manage your listing to appear in local searches.
  4. Engage on social media: Use platforms like Facebook and Instagram to connect with your audience.
  5. Encourage online reviews: Positive testimonials can significantly boost your reputation.

In the changing roofing industry, digital marketing isn't optional—it's crucial. Whether it's through search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, or social media marketing, each method plays a vital role in building your brand and attracting new clients. As Riverbase Cloud shows, taking control of your online presence is pivotal to growing your roofing business.

Marketing strategies for roofers - marketing for roofing companies infographic infographic-line-3-steps

Crafting Your Roofing Brand Online

Creating a strong online presence is essential for any roofing company looking to thrive in today's digital world. Here’s how you can effectively build and manage your brand online:

Website Essentials

Your website is the digital face of your roofing business. It needs to be not only attractive but also functional and user-friendly. Here are some must-haves:

  • Easy Navigation: Ensure that your website is easy to navigate. Users should be able to find what they need quickly and without confusion. Use clear, straightforward menus and logical page structures.

  • Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Every page should have a clear CTA, such as "Request a Quote" or "Contact Us." This guides visitors toward taking the next step.

  • Fast Loading Speed: A slow website can drive potential customers away. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights can help you identify and fix speed issues.

Mobile-Friendly Design

With most people using smartphones to browse the internet, having a mobile-friendly website is crucial. A responsive design ensures your site looks and functions well on all devices. Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test can help you check if your site meets the mark.

SEO Optimization

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) helps your website appear in search results when potential customers look for roofing services. Here are some basics:

  • Keyword Research: Identify keywords that your potential customers are searching for, such as "roof repair" or "roofing contractor near me."

  • On-Page SEO: Optimize your site by using these keywords in your content, meta descriptions, title tags, and URLs.

  • Quality Content: Create valuable content that answers common questions about roofing. For example, blog posts on "How to Fix a Leaking Roof" or "When to Replace Your Roof."

  • Local SEO: Include your location in your content to attract local customers. For instance, "best roofing services in Los Angeles."

Google Business Profile

Claiming and optimizing your Google Business Profile is essential. It makes your business more visible in local searches and provides potential customers with important information like your address, phone number, and reviews.

  1. Claim Your Profile: Visit the Google Business page and search for your business. Enter the correct details to claim it.
  2. Update Information: Add relevant information, including your website, contact details, and business hours.
  3. Encourage Reviews: Ask satisfied customers to leave reviews. Positive reviews can significantly boost your credibility.

Social Media Platforms

Social media is a powerful tool for building your brand and engaging with customers. Here’s how to use it effectively:

  • Facebook and Instagram: Create business pages and share before-and-after photos of your projects. Post customer testimonials and engage with your audience through comments and messages.

  • Content Ideas: Share roofing tips, maintenance advice, and quick fixes through posts and videos. For example, a reel on "How to Clean Your Gutters" can be very engaging.

  • Engagement: Regularly interact with your followers. Respond to comments and messages promptly. This builds trust and fosters a community around your brand.

Roofing Social Media Engagement - marketing for roofing companies

By focusing on these key areas, you can build a strong online presence that attracts and retains customers. Next, let’s dive into effective roofing marketing strategies that can further boost your business.

Effective Roofing Marketing Strategies

Referral Programs

Referral programs are a powerful way to grow your roofing business. Word-of-mouth is still one of the most trusted forms of marketing. A structured referral program can help you leverage this.

  1. Create Incentives: Offer discounts, free services, or gift cards to customers who refer new clients. For instance, you could give a 10% discount on their next service for every successful referral.
  2. Automate Requests: Send automated emails or texts to satisfied customers asking for referrals. This makes it easy for them to share your business with their network.
  3. Partner with Local Businesses: Collaborate with local realtors, insurance agents, and other home service providers to exchange referrals. This expands your reach and builds a strong network.

Email Marketing

Email marketing helps you stay connected with past, present, and potential customers. Here’s how to make it work for you:

  1. Build Your List: Collect email addresses through your website, social media, and offline interactions. Offer valuable content like a free roof inspection checklist in exchange for email sign-ups.
  2. Send Newsletters: Monthly newsletters keep your business top-of-mind. Include updates, special offers, and helpful tips. For example, share seasonal maintenance advice or showcase recent projects.
  3. Promotional Offers: Use email to send exclusive discounts and promotions. This can encourage repeat business and attract new clients.

Social Media Engagement

Social media is a great tool for engaging with your community and showcasing your work. Here’s how to maximize it:

  1. Choose the Right Platforms: Focus on platforms where your audience is most active. Facebook and Instagram are excellent for visual content, while LinkedIn can help with B2B connections.
  2. Create Engaging Content: Share before-and-after photos, customer testimonials, and maintenance tips. Videos and live sessions can also increase engagement. For example, a live Q&A about common roofing issues can attract a lot of attention.
  3. Interact Regularly: Respond to comments and messages promptly. Engage with other local businesses and community pages to increase your visibility.

Local SEO

Local SEO ensures your business appears in search results when locals look for roofing services. Here’s how to optimize it:

  1. Google Business Profile: Claim and optimize your Google Business Profile. Ensure your business name, address, and phone number are accurate. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews.
  2. Use Local Keywords: Incorporate local keywords into your website content. For example, use phrases like “roof repair in [your city]” to improve search rankings.
  3. Consistent NAP: Ensure your Name, Address, and Phone number (NAP) are consistent across all online platforms. This helps search engines trust your business information.

Content Marketing

Content marketing builds your authority and attracts potential customers. Here’s how to do it effectively:

  1. Blogging: Write blog posts that answer common roofing questions. This helps with SEO and positions you as an expert. For instance, a post on “How to Identify Roof Damage After a Storm” can be very helpful.
  2. Video Marketing: Create videos showcasing your work, explaining roofing processes, or providing maintenance tips. Videos are highly engaging and can be shared across multiple platforms.
  3. Case Studies: Share detailed case studies of your projects. Highlight the challenges, solutions, and results to build trust with prospective customers.

By implementing these effective roofing marketing strategies, you can attract more clients and grow your business. Next, we’ll explore how leveraging paid advertising can further enhance your marketing efforts.

Leveraging Paid Advertising for Roofers

Paid advertising can be a game-changer in marketing for roofing companies. It helps you reach potential customers who are ready to hire. Let's break down how you can use Google Ads, Facebook Ads, PPC campaigns, and targeted advertising to your advantage.

Google Ads

Google Ads is a powerful tool because it targets people who are actively searching for roofing services. When someone types "roof repair near me," your ad can appear at the top of the search results.

Key Tips:

  • Choose Relevant Keywords: Use keywords like "roof replacement company" or "emergency roofing repair in [your location]."
  • Engaging Ad Copy: Write clear and compelling ads. Highlight special offers or guarantees.
  • Optimized Landing Pages: Ensure your landing page is user-friendly and provides all necessary information to convert visitors into leads.

A case study showed that spending $2,500 on Google Ads resulted in 9 closed deals and $200,000 in revenue within 5 days. Source

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads allow you to target specific demographics and interests. This makes it easier to reach homeowners who might need roofing services.

Key Tips:

  • Eye-Catching Visuals: Use high-quality images or videos of your roofing projects.
  • Detailed Targeting: Target ads based on location, age, and interests related to home improvement.
  • Engagement: Encourage interactions with calls-to-action like "Contact us for a free estimate."

One roofing company saw a 17x return on ad spend from YouTube ad campaigns by targeting specific audiences and using engaging content. Source

PPC Campaigns

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns are not just about getting clicks. It's about converting those clicks into leads and customers.

Key Tips:

  • Landing Pages: Direct traffic to high-converting landing pages with clear information and strong calls-to-action.
  • Track Results: Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor performance and adjust your strategy.
  • Test and Refine: Continuously test different ad copy, visuals, and targeting options to find what works best.

Targeted Advertising

The beauty of online advertising is the ability to target very specific audiences. This ensures your ads are seen by people most likely to need your services.

Key Tips:

  • Geo-Targeting: Show ads only to people in your service area.
  • Demographic Targeting: Target based on age, gender, or homeowner status.
  • Interest Targeting: Reach people interested in home improvement, DIY, or real estate.

By combining these strategies, you can create a paid advertising campaign that not only boosts your visibility online but also brings in high-quality leads ready to convert into customers.

Next, we’ll explore how engaging with customers and building trust can further enhance your marketing efforts.

Engaging with Customers and Building Trust

Online Reviews

92% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase decision. For roofing companies, this means reviews can make or break your business. Platforms like Google My Business and Yelp are crucial for managing your online reputation.

Tips for Online Reviews:

  • Ask Happy Customers: Prompt satisfied customers to share their positive experiences by leaving a review.
  • Respond to All Reviews: Thank customers for positive reviews and address any concerns in negative reviews with professionalism.

Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials provide a personal touch and a sense of reliability. Featuring these prominently on your website or social media can act as powerful endorsements.

How to Use Testimonials:

  • Showcase on Website: Place testimonials on your homepage or a dedicated testimonials page.
  • Social Media Posts: Share testimonials on platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Web Chat

Web chat allows you to instantly answer questions about current jobs, future needs, or billing. This immediate availability leads to higher customer satisfaction and retention.

Benefits of Web Chat:

  • Instant Communication: Answer questions in real-time.
  • Higher Satisfaction: Quick responses can turn inquiries into jobs.

SMS Marketing

SMS marketing is a direct way to reach your customers. Use it to send updates, reminders, or special offers.

Effective SMS Strategies:

  • Appointment Reminders: Send reminders for scheduled services.
  • Exclusive Offers: Provide special discounts or promotions.

Customer Service Excellence

Great customer service is essential for retaining clients and generating referrals. Providing excellent service can turn customers into brand advocates.

Key Elements:

  • Prompt Responses: Quickly address inquiries and concerns.
  • Follow-Up: Check in with customers after completing a job to ensure satisfaction.

Next, we’ll explore how maximizing lead generation can further enhance your roofing company’s success.

Maximizing Lead Generation for Roofing Companies

Generating leads is crucial for the success of your roofing business. Let’s explore effective methods to maximize lead generation.

Direct Mail

Despite the rise of digital marketing, direct mail remains a powerful tool. It can target specific neighborhoods or even individual homes that might need roofing services.


  • High Visibility: Physical mail is hard to ignore.
  • Customization: Tailor your message to specific needs, like storm damage repair.
  • Trackable: Use unique codes or phone numbers to track responses.

Industry-Specific Directories

Listing your business in industry-specific directories can improve your visibility and credibility. Websites like HomeAdvisor or Angie's List are popular platforms where homeowners look for trusted roofing services.


  • Targeted Audience: Reach people actively seeking roofing services.
  • Reviews: Build credibility with customer reviews.
  • SEO Boost: Improve your search engine ranking.

Content Marketing

Content marketing helps establish your business as an authority in the roofing industry. Create valuable content that addresses common roofing issues and offers solutions.


  • Blog Posts: Write about common roofing problems and how to fix them.
  • Videos: Show how to perform basic roof maintenance.
  • Guides: Offer downloadable guides on choosing the right roofing materials.

Email Campaigns

Email marketing is a cost-effective way to stay in touch with potential and existing customers. Send regular updates, promotions, and useful information.


  • Segment Lists: Target specific groups with tailored messages.
  • Automate: Use tools to send automated follow-ups and reminders.
  • Track Performance: Monitor open rates and click-through rates to refine your strategy.

Facebook/Google Ads

Facebook and Google Ads are powerful tools for reaching potential customers. These platforms allow you to target specific demographics and geographic areas.


  • Google Ads: Use keywords like “roof repair near me” to attract local traffic.
  • Facebook Ads: Create engaging ads with compelling visuals and clear calls-to-action.
  • Retargeting: Show ads to people who have visited your website but haven’t contacted you yet.

By using these strategies, you can effectively generate leads and grow your roofing business. Next, we’ll discuss how to engage with customers and build lasting trust.


In today's competitive roofing industry, having a robust marketing plan is not just beneficial—it's essential for survival and growth. A well-thought-out marketing strategy can help you stand out, attract more leads, and convert those leads into loyal customers.

Why a Marketing Plan is Crucial

A comprehensive marketing plan acts as a roadmap for your business. It helps you identify your target audience, set measurable goals, and choose the best tactics to reach those goals. Without a plan, your marketing efforts can be scattered and ineffective, causing you to miss out on valuable opportunities.

Case in Point: According to a Forbes article, a well-executed marketing plan helped one roofing company achieve a 17x return on ad spend (ROAS) from YouTube ad campaigns. This success was attributed to targeted advertising, keyword research, and consistent follow-up.

Partnering with Riverbase Cloud

At Riverbase Cloud, we specialize in helping roofing companies build strong online presences and effective marketing strategies. Our team of experts stays ahead of digital marketing trends to ensure that your business remains competitive.

We offer tailored solutions, from SEO optimization to social media marketing, designed to meet the unique needs of your roofing business. Our goal is to help you not only meet your current objectives but also prepare for long-term success.

Continuous Improvement: We are committed to refining our strategies to keep your business at the forefront of online visibility. Whether it's updating SEO tactics or exploring new social media trends, we're always looking for ways to improve.

Staying Ahead of Trends: Digital marketing is ever-changing, and what works today might not work tomorrow. Our proactive approach ensures that your roofing company stays ahead of the competition, adapting to new trends and best practices.

Final Thoughts

In the dynamic world of marketing for roofing companies, staying informed and adaptable is key. With a solid marketing plan and the right partner, you can navigate the complexities of digital marketing with confidence. Let Riverbase Cloud help you harness the full potential of your online presence and propel your roofing business to new heights.

Ready to take your roofing marketing to the next level? Contact Riverbase Cloud today and let's build a strategy that works for you.