Manager Accounts in Google Ads: What You Need to Know

Gary Gilkison

Why Manager Accounts Matter in Google Ads

Managing online advertising effectively can be daunting, but manager account in Google Ads simplifies this task. Manager accounts let you handle multiple Google Ads accounts with a single login. They save time by offering consolidated billing, streamlined reporting, and improved access control.

Key Benefits of Manager Account: - Single Login: Manage several Google Ads accounts effortlessly. - Consolidated Billing: Simplifies accounting with one invoice. - Unified Dashboard: Provides a holistic view of performance metrics.

A manager account is crucial for service business owners aiming for sustainable online growth. It allows effective ad management and insight into multiple client accounts, something that individual logins can't achieve.

I'm Gary Gilkison, your guide to mastering this tool. With years of experience in IT management, sales, and Google Ads consultancy, I’ve helped many achieve better visibility and growth. Now, let's dive into the essentials of Google Ads manager accounts.

Manager Accounts Overview - manager account infographic pillar-3-steps

Find more about manager account: - google ad manager api - google ads management services - how to set up google ad manager

Understanding Manager Accounts

What is a Manager Account?

A Google Ads Manager Account is a master account designed to help you manage multiple Google Ads accounts from one central location. Think of it as your command center for all advertising activities.

Key Features:

  • Multi-Account Management: Oversee multiple Google Ads accounts without the hassle of logging in and out.
  • Centralized Access Control: Easily grant access to different users across multiple accounts.
  • Advanced Reporting Tools: Generate detailed reports that cover metrics like clicks, impressions, and conversions across all linked accounts.
  • Streamlined Billing: Consolidate billing for all your accounts, making financial management simpler.

Real-Life Example

Consider a digital marketing agency that manages ads for numerous clients. Instead of juggling multiple logins, they use a Google Ads Manager Account. This setup allows them to: - Monitor Performance: Track metrics like clicks and conversions across all client accounts from one place. - Simplify Reporting: Generate comprehensive reports to provide clients with detailed performance insights. - Streamline Billing: Consolidate billing, making it easier to manage finances and allocate budgets.

"Using a Manager Account has transformed our workflow. We can now manage multiple client campaigns efficiently, ensuring we deliver optimal results." - Gary Gilkison, Digital Marketing Expert

What is an Ad Manager Account?

An Ad Manager Account is different from a Google Ads Manager Account. It primarily deals with managing ad inventory across different platforms.

Key Features:

  • AdSense Integration: Manage ad placements and earnings from Google AdSense.
  • Ad Exchange: Access premium ad inventory and optimize revenue through Google Ad Exchange.
  • Inventory Types: Handle various types of ad inventory, including display, video, and mobile ads.

Functionality and Access Control

  • Inventory Management: Oversee different types of ad inventory from one platform.
  • Revenue Optimization: Use advanced tools to maximize ad revenue.
  • Access Control: Grant different levels of access to team members, ensuring secure and efficient management.

Consolidated Billing and Multiple Accounts

One of the standout features of a Google Ads Manager Account is consolidated billing. This feature simplifies the financial management of multiple accounts by providing a single invoice.


  • Simplified Accounting: Manage all your billing in one place.
  • Cost Efficiency: Reduce the administrative burden and potential errors.
  • Transparency: Keep track of all expenses across various accounts effortlessly.

In Summary: - A Google Ads Manager Account is perfect for managing multiple ad campaigns efficiently. - An Ad Manager Account focuses on optimizing ad inventory and revenue.

By understanding these tools, you can make informed decisions that will streamline your advertising efforts, save time, and improve overall performance. Next, let's dive into the steps to set up your Google Ads Manager Account efficiently.

Setting Up a Manager Account

How to Create a Google Manager Account

Setting up a Google Ads Manager Account is a straightforward process that can help you manage multiple Google Ads accounts efficiently. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started.

Steps to Create a Google Manager Account

  1. Sign in to Your Google Account:
  2. If you don’t have a Google Account, you can create one here.
  3. Once you have your Google Account, sign in.

  4. Visit the Manager Account Page:

  5. Go to the Google Ads Manager Account page.

  6. Click "Create a Manager Account":

  7. This will initiate the setup process.

  8. Name Your Manager Account:

  9. Choose a name that is easily recognizable to your team or clients.
  10. Note: As of March 2023, URLs are no longer accepted in account names.

  11. Select How to Use the Account:

  12. If you manage accounts for other businesses, select "Manage other people's accounts".
  13. If it's for your own Google Ads accounts, choose the appropriate option.

  14. Choose Your Country:

  15. This is crucial for billing and reporting. Make sure to select the country where your business operates.

  16. Set Your Time Zone:

  17. Pick the time zone where your business operates. This is important for accurate reporting and billing.
  18. Note: Time Zones cannot be changed once set.

  19. Pick Your Currency:

  20. Select the currency used for your business transactions. Sub-accounts can have different currencies.

  21. Click "Submit":

  22. Finalize your setup by clicking "Submit."

  23. Explore Your Account:

    • After submitting, click Explore Your Account to get started.


  • Google Account: You must have a Google Account to create a Manager Account.
  • Country and Time Zone: Ensure you select the correct country and time zone as these cannot be changed later.
  • Currency: Choose the currency that aligns with your business transactions.

Additional Tips

  • Account Naming: Use a name that is clear and recognizable to avoid confusion.
  • Access Levels: You can set different access levels for users such as “Administrative", “Standard”, “Read only”, “Email only”, or “Billing”.

By following these steps, you can set up your Google Ads Manager Account efficiently, providing a solid foundation for managing your advertising campaigns.

Next, we’ll explore the key features of Manager Accounts.

Key Features of Manager Accounts

Benefits of Using a Manager Account

A Google Ads Manager Account offers several advantages that make managing multiple Google Ads accounts easier and more efficient. Let's explore the key benefits:


The dashboard is your central hub for managing all linked accounts. It provides an easy-to-read, consolidated view of performance metrics like clicks, impressions, and conversions. You can quickly switch between accounts without logging in and out, saving you time and hassle.


With a Manager Account, you can generate detailed reports across multiple accounts. This feature is particularly useful for agencies managing several clients or businesses with multiple departments. The reporting tools allow you to:

  • Compare Performance: Easily compare metrics across different accounts.
  • Custom Reports: Create custom reports custom to your needs.
  • Bulk Reporting: Generate reports for multiple accounts at once, saving you hours of manual work.

User Management

User management is simplified with a Manager Account. You can invite other users to your manager account and assign different levels of access, such as:

  • Administrative Access: Full control over the account.
  • Standard Access: Limited control, suitable for regular users.
  • Read-Only Access: View-only access for monitoring purposes.

This flexibility ensures that each user has the appropriate level of access, enhancing security and accountability.


One of the biggest advantages of a Manager Account is the time-saving aspect. You can manage all your campaigns from a single dashboard, eliminating the need to log in and out of multiple accounts. This streamlined process allows you to focus more on optimizing campaigns rather than managing account logistics.

Simplified Management

Simplified management is another key benefit. With a Manager Account, you can:

  • Create and Link Accounts: Quickly create new Google Ads accounts and link existing ones.
  • Monitor Alerts: Set up alerts to efficiently monitor account performance.
  • Centralized Billing: Use monthly invoicing to pay for all your Ads accounts, making financial management easier.

Improved Control

Improved control over your advertising efforts is crucial for success. A Manager Account allows you to:

  • Cross-Account Tracking: Track conversions across multiple accounts to see how users interact with your ads.
  • Custom Audiences: Create and manage custom audiences across accounts to target specific user groups.
  • Automated Rules: Set up automated rules to manage routine tasks, such as pausing low-performing ads or adjusting bids.

By leveraging these features, you can optimize your campaigns more effectively and achieve better results.

In the next section, we'll address some frequently asked questions about Manager Accounts to help you get the most out of this powerful tool.

Frequently Asked Questions about Manager Accounts

What is the Difference Between a Manager Account and an Ad Manager Account?

A Manager Account in Google Ads is designed for overseeing and managing multiple Google Ads accounts from one central location. It’s ideal for agencies, large businesses, or anyone managing several accounts. Key features include:

  • Multi-Account Management: Manage multiple accounts without logging in and out.
  • Centralized Reporting: Generate reports across all linked accounts.
  • User Access Control: Assign different access levels to team members.

On the other hand, an Ad Manager Account (formerly known as DoubleClick for Publishers) is used to manage ad inventory, such as placing ads on websites or apps. It’s more focused on:

  • Ad Inventory Management: Handle display, video, and mobile ad inventory.
  • Ad Networks: Manage ads across various networks like AdSense and Ad Exchange.
  • Revenue Optimization: Maximize revenue through advanced targeting and bidding strategies.

What is a Paying Manager Account?

A Paying Manager Account simplifies billing by consolidating the payments for all linked Google Ads accounts. This setup is particularly useful for agencies and large businesses. Here’s how it works:

  • Billing Setups: Centralize billing to streamline payment processes.
  • Monthly Invoicing: Receive a single monthly invoice covering all linked accounts.
  • Hierarchy Control: Maintain control over which accounts are billed under the manager account.

This approach not only simplifies financial management but also ensures that all accounts remain active without payment interruptions.

How Do I Create a Google Manager Account?

Creating a Google Manager Account is straightforward. Follow these steps:

  1. Sign In: Go to the Google Ads Manager Account page and sign in with your Google account.
  2. Account Setup: Click on "Create a Manager Account" and follow the prompts.
  3. Account Naming: Choose a name for your manager account that reflects its purpose.
  4. Currency Selection: Select the currency you’ll use for billing.
  5. Manual Steps: Complete any additional steps, such as verifying your email.

Once set up, you can start linking existing Google Ads accounts or create new ones directly from your manager account dashboard.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage multiple Google Ads accounts, streamline billing, and gain improved control over your campaigns.

In the next section, we'll dive deeper into how to optimize your campaigns using the advanced features of a Manager Account.


Using a Google Ads Manager Account can transform the way you manage your online advertising campaigns. Let's wrap up by discussing the key benefits of client management, campaign efficiency, and how Riverbase Cloud can improve your Google Ads strategy.

Client Management

A Manager Account simplifies client management by allowing you to oversee multiple Google Ads accounts from one dashboard. This is invaluable for agencies, large businesses, or anyone juggling several accounts.

With features like multi-account management, you can switch between accounts without the hassle of logging in and out. This centralized approach not only saves time but also makes it easier to keep track of all your clients' campaigns.

Case studies have shown that agencies managing over 100 client accounts found their workflow significantly streamlined. They could manage campaigns, update billing information, and monitor performance all from a single dashboard, saving both time and effort.

Campaign Efficiency

Efficiency is a cornerstone of successful advertising. A Manager Account offers advanced tools like cross-account conversion tracking and custom audiences, which help optimize campaign performance.

For example, one marketing firm reported a 40% increase in overall ad performance and a 25% reduction in time spent on manual tasks after using a manager account. This was largely due to the real-time data and insights provided, enabling quicker and more informed decision-making.

Moreover, consolidated billing through a Paying Manager Account simplifies financial management. You receive a single monthly invoice covering all linked accounts, ensuring that all accounts remain active without payment interruptions.

Riverbase Cloud: Your Partner in Success

At Riverbase Cloud, we specialize in helping businesses optimize their Google Ads campaigns. Our Precision Ads service takes the complexity out of Google Ads management. We offer a comprehensive suite of services, including:

  • Customized PPC Plans: Custom to fit your budget and goals.
  • Comprehensive Services: From keyword research to ad optimization.
  • Client Success: Proven track record of saving clients significant amounts in ad spend.

Ready to lift your Google Ads strategy? Contact us at Riverbase Cloud to discuss how we can help you achieve your advertising goals.

In summary, a Google Ads Manager Account offers numerous benefits that can streamline your workflow, improve campaign performance, and simplify client management. Partnering with Riverbase Cloud ensures you get the most out of these features, driving success for your business.